Friday, May 25, 2012

A Common or a Question Mark

What the heck does that title even mean?
Now that I am starting to get better acquainted with our birds in Northern Wisconsin, my friend Kathy is encouraging me to look at the butterflys.
I have been noticing quite a few butterflys in my yard this year, are there more? or am I just noticing?  Hard to say.
This beauty was lounging around the front of the house this afternoon.
 I believe he is a Question Mark butterfly, however, it could also be an Easter Common butterfly.
Kathy will have to help me decide which species this guy is.

I worked in the yard all afternoon today.
I continue to work on planting around the sewer vent caps in an effort to camouflage those pipes.
These little flower beds will have some small bushes and also perennial flowers.
My lawn mowers will just love these.
My back deck is a bloom with Supertunias that the local greenhouse talked me into.
I guess I am ready for summer now.
And as part of summer, this morning when I went to open the umbrella on the front deck,
this little guy scared me.
I watched him inch down the umbrella towards the edge over the course of an hour.
Finally, I went out with an ice cream bucket to help him make his escape.
Of course, when I got close, he leaped right at me, and once again, my heart got a jolt of adrenaline!
One other project that I started today, was to add a railing along my steps to the garden.
I got the post holders driven in, which was pretty easy work after all the rain, now I have to add one more post and some fashion of a railing.
I may need a consult from some of my carpenter relatives on the rest of this project.
Summer it is.

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