Thursday, December 12, 2024

Traditional Amaryllis

 I always bought an amaryllis kit for each of my employees, in the last 5 or 6 years that I worked at Coors. Each of the women had their own office, and so that way, each of them had a flower to grow and enjoy during the holidays. If the kits are not opened before the bulbs start to grow, you would find something in the box that was a little unsightly.  We started calling these plants 'penis plants' because of that early growth inside the box, with no photosynthesis occurring.  

I still try to find an Amaryllis kit each holiday season; one of  my former employees and I still trade photos of our plants, as they progress. 

Mine is off to a slow start,  but it is growing. 



I can't get to Luck in time for 7th grade boys basketball on Thursdays because I play bridge.  But,  I can get home in time to watch the live stream of the game.  Great nephew Jens is a good player and he has a good group on his team.  

Today,  I kept his stats, as I watched the game. 

After the game,  I sent him this text.  

The final score was 

Grantsburg 34 Luck 56.



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