Today is February the 14th, lots of paper hearts changed hands around the country I suppose.
I spent the morning with my reading buddy Blaine. He is a special needs adult who wants to read better, and we work together for an hour each week sponsored by the Barron County Literacy Council. Blaine is in his early 40s and is very interested in almost any musician, but especially the heavy metal genre artists. It's always an interesting hour trying to focus on reading and comprehension and redirecting Blaine's energy.
After reading, I came home and did a little research and then headed North in search of the Snowy Owl that had been sighted just North of town. I had an idea of where it had been seen recently, it was a bright sunny day with temperatures climbing towards the mid 30's and it seemed like a good project for today.
I was not disappointed.
When I first sighted him, he was perched on a pile of snow.
Somehow, I spotted him easily, drove down the road about 1/2 mile and then circled back.
I snapped this one photo and he flew.
I waited and waited, circled again, waited some more pulled to the side of the road
and then decided to drive around the section and see what I could see.
I saw a few flocks of other birds, some geese in formation and then pulled back around to the snow piles to spend a few more minutes waiting, just in case the owl would show.
I was about to give up when I glanced up, right ahead of my car and saw him sitting on an electrical pole, duh!
I circled one more time, there was no traffic, so I took a couple of snaps from as close as I dared stop.
I didn't want to disrupt him, so just paused in the roadway, rolled down the window and got these photos.
He didn't really act like he was hunting, more like soaking up the sun.
What a joy!
To see any owl, is a treat, to see this white beauty is awesome.