Saturday, May 2, 2009

To soar like an eagle or to hide in a bucket, that is the question...and a little about a road trip Up North

Barley always keeps me guessing about what she will get into next. On Saturday while I was getting ready to go on a road trip Up North with sis in law, Lois, I was playing a DVD called Wisconsin Birds. I was in the bedroom when I heard a noise that sounded like a cat was somewhere she shouldn't be. When I came out to the living room, this is what I saw.

Note the vase by her backside that is precariously tipped. The subject on the TV was Eagles and evidently this interested Barley very much. I have never seen her get up in front of the TV like this before, and even after I put her down on the floor, she continued to be glued to the set. I guess she is an Eagle fan.

Lois and I had a fun drive Up North, stopped at a few garage sales on the way to see Craig & Mary Jo in Gordon. They were having a sale too and they also were serving beverages. On the way home we went through Solon Springs and shopped at a couple of small boutiques. The weather was sunny and nice so it made for a fun road trip.

On Sunday morning, I went into the office to get something, and quick as could be, Barley found a fun new toy. I had picked up this bucket to use in helping with planting, but it's really a fun cat toy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like your cat Barley. Gee I wonder where you picked that name up?
Your adopted sister Crystal


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