Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Dirty Dozen

Well, after working most of yesterday & today in the office, organizing and unpacking tubs, I am down to only a dozen more tubs that need to be unpacked. Whew! The end is finally in sight. I am only a little sad that I did not do a final count of all the tubs that came off the truck prior to starting to give the empties away to family. Owell, I think there were 90 some tubs originally, so to be down to 12 is nearly a miracle.

Fall has really come to Rice Lake, the high is barely 60 and the lows are in the 3o's now. But, there are a couple of trees in my yard which are still showing some pretty nice color.

Now, if anyone needs any free leaves, just let me know. I can't even imagine how big the pile will be once I start raking.


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