Friday, March 14, 2025

Another leak in the plumbing

🚿 🔧 💰 😭

More of the same,  2 fittings on the lines going to the shower were disintegrating.  The Plumber, Ross, thinks that they have been leaking for a very-long-time.  

I have quite a collection of these evil doers.

This time,  he had to cut a hole in the wall to fix. 

Gross & wet.

Short term, I tried to prop the drywall back in to stop a caravan of mice from coming in.  

For the moment,  access denied to crawl space dwellers.

Long term,  I'm going to cover the hole with this cabinet door. It matches the vanity. It will look fine and give access to that area if it is ever needed again. 

 Things have to dry out a bit first. I think by Sunday I should be able to fix it. 

Ross also fixed the shower faucet that was dripping.  I bought the cartridge planning to do it myself,  now it is done. Yay. 

So,  another fun day. Ugh! But now that's over. 


Rice Lake girls lost their first game at Green Bay,  they never really got into a rhythm. But at least they played at State.  The star players are soph & junior, likely they can run at it again next year with that experience under their belt. 

Monday, February 24, 2025


 I recently 'pronounced' for the Regional Spelling Bee.  This was my 10th year as pronouncer.  We had 31 spellers from area schools.  The kids were prepared and confident.  After 10 rounds, we had our 4 top spellers, who will go on to spell at Madison in the State Spelling Bee. 

For me, this was my last year as Pronouncer.  I offered to judge, if ever needed,  but I resigned from the stressful responsibility of pronouncing. 

I always enjoy the day of the Bee, but find myself very anxious in the days leading up to the event.  It is time for a new face at the microphone. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Things that make my day

 My Art Teacher niece, Erin, sent me this text today.  

It's fun to see my Christmas cards getting used in her classroom.  

Both cards at the top of her display are from me. 

Bonus, now we have instructions for making a Cardinal. 

UPDATE: The Cardinal unit is finished.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Drew ♥️

 This is the most meaningful donation that I have made in, probably my lifetime.  Not sure why I have not done it before,  but I decided to do this annually in honor of Drew.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Traditional Amaryllis

 I always bought an amaryllis kit for each of my employees, in the last 5 or 6 years that I worked at Coors. Each of the women had their own office, and so that way, each of them had a flower to grow and enjoy during the holidays. If the kits are not opened before the bulbs start to grow, you would find something in the box that was a little unsightly.  We started calling these plants 'penis plants' because of that early growth inside the box, with no photosynthesis occurring.  

I still try to find an Amaryllis kit each holiday season; one of  my former employees and I still trade photos of our plants, as they progress. 

Mine is off to a slow start,  but it is growing. 



I can't get to Luck in time for 7th grade boys basketball on Thursdays because I play bridge.  But,  I can get home in time to watch the live stream of the game.  Great nephew Jens is a good player and he has a good group on his team.  

Today,  I kept his stats, as I watched the game. 

After the game,  I sent him this text.  

The final score was 

Grantsburg 34 Luck 56.



Wednesday, November 27, 2024


 I'm in a mood to have a few more outdoor decorations this year.  In September,  I bought a 4ft lighted tree at the Dollar Store. Today,  I put it up,  with some Dollar Store lights.  The front porch looks very festive now. 

The little lights are solar powered and the tree is on a timer. 

I'll get putting up my Christmas Village next week. 

Christmas lights are joyful.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Aunt Jeanne

My middle name is Jeanne, after my Aunt, Mom's sister. 

Jeanne and Nel were my first overnight visitors when I settled in Rice Lake.  They stayed several days and we had a nice visit.  Jeanne tried to attend her class reunions at Milltown and it worked out that they could stay with me.

In 2016, I took a big trip out West and spent a couple of nights at Jeanne & Nel's house in Stanwood, WA.

 Aunt Jeanne had called me the first week of October, while I was at Quilt Camp.  We had a nice chat about family and what I was up to.  She was slowing down,  but still living alone in a senior high rise.  

We were in the habit of talking on the phone every month or so. I would write letters to Aunt Jeanne from time to time, using large font. I also sent photographs of Emily's wedding, a lunch gathering with my Rydberg cousins, and other family events.  She would usually call after reading my letter.  She always said that she appreciated getting my letters because she could re-read them.

This photo was taken when I visited Jeanne & Nel in Washington, in 2016.

Jeanne Botten

July 14, 1930 - November 8, 2024

Jeanne Eleanor (Bjornton) Botten was born in St. Louis Park, Minnesota on July 14, 1930, and recently died on November 8, 2024 at her home in Brookdale Senior Living in Stanwood. When she was a junior in High School, she wanted a big change so she went to live with her sister, Pauline, and husband, to attend Milltown High School in Wisconsin, where she graduated. Later she moved back to Minneapolis to attend Augsburg College, where she met Nelvin Botten (aka known as Mel) in a choir class, then married him, thus earning her MRS degree. They moved back to Nel's home town Seattle in 1950. Son Jeffrey was born in 1952, followed soon by daughter Tamara in 1954.

She worked for 33 years for various dentists. In 1977 she and Nelvin moved to Stanwood where they retired to enjoy travel, boating, cruising, bowling and crafting. She would refinish tables, chairs and other small furniture items for gifts and sale in antique stores. She sewed small dresses for African missions, and also enjoyed rosemaling (Norwegian painting) as well as various needlepoint projects. She also volunteered for 20 years with the Northwest Dental van which provided free dental service to those who could not afford to pay, and she helped establish 2 Lutheran churches.

She is survived by her children Jeffrey Botten (wife Toni Burton) and Tamara (Botten) Riggs (whose husband Craig passed away suddenly this past February after 48 years of marriage.) Also four grandchildren---Sam BB, Daylen, Micah and Megan Riggs and 5 great grandchildren. 

After nearly 70 years of marriage to Nelvin, who passed away in 2020 from cancer, she has expressed much desire and extreme happiness to be joining him in heaven with Jesus.


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